Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pokemon of the Week #19

This Pokemon of the Week is Zapdos!

Pokedex Number: 145
Electric Pokemon
Types: Electric / Flying
Average Height: 5' 03"
Average Weight: 116.0 lbs.
Evolution: Zapdos
Highest Stat: Special Attack
Abilities: Pressure
Weaknesses: Rock / Ice
Resistances: Bug / Fighting / Steel / Flying / Grass
Immunities: Ground
About this Pokemon: Zapdos are said to live in Thunder clouds and drop Lighting bolts. Because it is full of electricity it crackles when it flies. They fight using huge lightning bolts.
What's good about this Pokemon: It has high Special Attack. Good moves available by lv.up. It only has Two weaknesses and it has one immunity.
What's bad about this Pokemon: Because it is a Legend, it grows very slowly and has no Egg moves. The only way that it can have a Special Attack Flying type move is Hidden Power.
What I think about this Pokemon: I only really like it when I'm using it. Otherwise I don't like it because it's just so darn fast!!!!! It's really hard to beat. Although, it can be done! And some Pokemon are harder to get rid of, but we're talking about Zapdos right now.

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