Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pokemon Black review Part 3.

Ok! It's time for the Pokemon Black Review part 3! This time I will be talking about the actual Pokemon and the new battling styles. ok, at first Glance, some of the Pokemon look a little..... Unsightly.... I won't say which I thought were so I don't offend anyone out there. But as you play with them, you start to get attached to them. But you gotta admit that Garbodor is VERY odd. Though, some of my favorites of the New Pokemon are: Liepard, Vanilluxe, Cryogonal, Volcarona/Larvesta, Oshawott, and Frillish! Though, very one of the B/W Pokemon has they're own charm. some good, some badish. ok! Moving on, there are two new battle styles! Triple battle and Rotation battle. Lets start with Triple. In Triple Battles you use three Pokemon at once (hence the "Triple").  The Pokemon in the top left will be in on the far left, Pokemon in the top right corner is the middle one, Ec. Ec. now, A Pokemon in the middle can hit any Pokemon like normal. But a Pokemon to the Left/Right can only target the Middle Pokemon and the Pokemon on the Same side as them. Although, Flying type Moves can hit anywhere. for good reason. I don't really like Triple battles that much, but it tests your skill. but, just to let you know if more then One of your Pokemon faints then you have to Choose the Pokemon you want to switch in, and who you want to switch them with. Next up, Rotation Battles. I Love rotation battles. You have to keep focused and think ahead. In a Rotation Battle, you send out three Pokemon, Like in a Triple Battle, but Only one of your Pokemon will be fighting at once. you can switch between them during your turn, and still attack! Though you have to know your Opponent to be really really good at it. Ok! that about sums it up! I have no Idea what I will be talking about Next time (if there IS a Next time). so, see you!

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