Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pokemon of the Week #20

This Pokemon of the Week is Frillish! (sorry this one's a little late)
Note! These are not the shiny forms, but it's male and female forms. (Male on the left, Female on the right)
Pokedex Number: 592
Floating Pokemon
Types: Water / Ghost
Average Height: 3' 11"
Average Weight: 72.8 lbs.
Evolution: Frillish > Jellicent
Highest Stat: Special Defense
Abilities: Cursed Body / Water Absorb
Weaknesses: Grass / Ghost / Electric / Dark
Resistances: Bug / Fire / Water(without Water Absorb)/ Ice / Steel / Poison
Immunities: Normal / Fight / Water(with water Absorb)
About this Pokemon: Frillish Sometimes Poison Foes and drag them down to they're ocean lairs at the bottom of the sea.
What's good about this Pokemon: It has moves to go with it's higher Attacking stat (Special). And it's Special Defense is very handy. You also have a few Choices for Move sets as well.
What's bad about this Pokemon: I'm not a big fan of some of the Egg moves available, though confuse ray can be handy.
What I think of this Pokemon: I LOVE Frillish!!!!!!! Frillish is such a little cutie! and with a good move set, they can hold they're own very well. I also recommend a Bright powder for them.

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